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Social Learning focuses on constructing behavior that society that society expects. This adds a new social component into learning. We behave in ways that society expects us to. We choose to learn certain things. This is in contrast to cognitivism, which is based on acquiring knowledge. There is a choice to learn in social learning, in contrast to cognitivism.


Reciprocal causation is also a unique thing in social learning, that is different from the two earlier theories. It emphasizes shared control to behavior, perception and the environment. Learning in according to this theory may also not lead to any behavior change. Learning is a social, or shared function. Language plays an important part in learning.


Vicarious reinforcement, which is learning by observing the outcomes of others behavior is essential part of social learning. This is also applied in learning from models. We model our behavior directly or indirectly after certain “models”. Observation is a method of learning.


Social learning theory allows the individual to choose what learning is going to occur. They can choose what to learn, and what knowledge is to be constructed mentally. Scaffolding assists the learning process.

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